
Okwuchi .C. Sharon


“He isn’t like other motivational speakers”

I attended several Maximum Living Conferences in Ukraine between 2013 and 2016 and these conferences were life-changing. They share practical principles and provide actionable concepts that were delivered excellently.

He isn’t like every other motivational speaker but he’s like a teacher, giving out practical nuggets of truth and real-life principles that were believable and have proved to be achievable in my business. I’ll never regret attending any of these conferences.

Freda Igbre (M.D)

Co-founder Florence and Rose Clothing. (Berlin, GERMANY)

“Inspiration for a successful future.”

The Success Summit was an all-around amazing experience. It was not only motivational and inspirational but also very engaging and interactive. Dr. Oreofe involved the audience in the workshop and positive affirmations, which was great. He is a gifted speaker and succeeded in provoking self-evaluation and inspiration for a successful future.

Osunsanya Michael (M.D)

Creative Director Afroman Photography (Debrecen, HUNGARY)

“Success is just a habit.”

I attended the successful summit in 2015 when Dr. Eddie visited Debrecen, Hungary. I was greatly impacted by it. I learned that the first steps to achieving your goals are just as important as the goals themselves and that success is just a habit. I have applied the principles I picked up at the conference in my daily pursuits ever since and have seen results.

If the success summit is coming to a city near you, you have to be there! What’s your official intro?

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Max Living Inc is a life Development Company that carters to the mental, emotional, physical & spiritual transformation of individuals and businesses for optimum performance.

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